The white grape that makes the dry and delicate Gavi (and by extension Gavi di Gavi), notable for a hint of citrus and green-apple acidity. Native to the Piedmont region, currently there aren't really any 'serious' plantings outside northern Italy. It typically produces wines that are pale lemon-white in colour, possess a fine fragrance and are minerally and dry on the palate. The best examples can show more body and develop an intense honeyed richness with medium term ageing.
This is very good value for money. A Piedmont red under $30! It has good dark fruit, some nice tannins and acid to balance although it would benefit from some more age to smooth it a bit but I liked its feistiness now.
I was happily surprised by the quality of the labels in the "mystery" case of rose wines - great value for the money I must say. Excellent drinking experience from the unfamiliar labels and happy to enjoy again the familiar ones.