Collection: Sherry

The "Jerez-Xérès-Sherry" Denomination of Origin lies in the so-called "Sherry triangle" that is formed by the cities of Jerez de la Frontera , El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda in the province of Cadiz. Palomino is the primary variety for Sherry wines, and it thrives on the unique "albariza" chalky white soil of the region. Pedro Ximénex (aka PX) is also grown on a smaller scale within Jerez and widely in neighbouring Montilla–Morilles, and used for sweetening dry Palomino sherries or for the production of its own single-varietal aged, naturally sweet wines. PX grapes are sun-dried after harvest to concentrate sugars and they impart the wine with an intense dried-fruits flavour and bouquet. Finally, Moscatel grapes are made into dessert wines bearing the same name.

9 products