"The nose is fragrant and powerful with notes of yellow flowers and white-fleshed fruit and hints of herbs such as thyme and mint. The palate is balanced by freshness and savouriness, dominated by crisp white fruit and fresh acid.Super wine.If you haven’t discovered Pecorino yet this a must-try." - Wine Direct Tasting Team
The Pecorino grape variety still leads an unjustly shadowy existence, yet it has so much fun and seriousness to offer.We at Wine Direct are on a mission to bring it into your home, we simply love the variety and lovey super drinkable dry wines it produces. A great companion to light summer dishes, also enjoyable with bread and olives whiling away those long summer days ahead.
Super ripe very smooth dry red, with just a hint of Cherries in that Italian style and You are able to drink this wine with or without food, Very good value at $20.
We've been fans of their Syrah and Chardonnay for some time and this is another go-to product we'll add to the list.
Light in colour, but plenty of depth and flavour and pleasingly dry.
Highly recommended.
I haven’t tried every bottle in this selection yet, however, so far they are all very tasty. I’m a Chardonnay lover, always on the look out for a dryish not sweet wine and these are just right for me. An excellent mixed case and we’ll priced.