Gin Primo 700ml
Gin Primo comes from Romagna, an Italian region on the Adriatic sea. This Gin expresses the true sense of the region, mixing gin, salt, and local botanicals, with no dyes or preservatives. It is made of 100% natural botanicals processed within 24 hours of picking. The botanicals are subject to a vacuum distillation at low temperature (rotary evaporation).
Bright crystalline color. The nose perceives classic hints of juniper and light hints of salt, lavender and citrus. At first taste, the salt of Romagna is immediately decisive, accompanied by the balsamic/ bitter note of the juniper, while the lemon notes of the citron grass and the floral notes of lavender emerge. It is a gin of great power and harmonious balance in its aromatic flavours.
Try Alanna's favourite - The Salty Dog:
- 45ml Gin Primo
- 100ml grapefruit juice (any type is fine)
- Lime/grapefruit wedge (to rim glass)
- Salt (to rim glass)
Dampen rim of glass with the lime/grapefruit wedge and rim with the salt. Fill the glass with ice. Combine grapefruit and gin in a shaker, shake until well combined and pour into prepped glass. Garnish with the lime or grapefruit wedge.
ABV: 43%