Churchill's Quinta da Gricha 2003 Vintage Port 750ml
The wine is very dark, almost black in color with a typical Gricha nose of fresh concentrated blueberries. The taste is more one dimensional than the Churchill’s Vintage Port blend but there is a soft, luscious mouth-filling flavor of rich berries with excellent natural acidity and tannins.
"Intense grape flavor, with crushed fruits and light raisins. Full-bodied and lightly sweet, with a big, tannic structure. A mouthpuckering blockbuster. This has grip!" - Wine Spectator
Lovely ready now dry red. What You expect from down that way with no rough edges and just enough tannin to give it some grunt. Very good value at this price.
Have been buying this wine for years (and years). Consistently delivers a beautiful, savoury rhone wine experience. Definitely punches above its weight. Deep garnet, full bodied, leathery with light spice notes.
Dark, medium to full bodied, with mature flavours starting to evolve. Excellent value, typical Bordeaux wine. Could easily become our house favourite! Delivers very good value for the price.