La Venenosa Sierra Occidental de Jalisco Raicilla 700ml
The agave is roasted in a wood fired adobe oven and he uses wild yeasts to ferment the aguamiel, or must, in 200 litre vats. The distillation is performed in an Arabic-Philippino still and bottled after only one pass.
Rumor has it that Don Ruben discovered chemical compounds in the agave Maximiliana that are outside of what is regularly seen in the agave family, and that these compounds have strong therapeutic and health benefits. Some attribute this Raicilla to Don Ruben’s ability to have 17 children, all of them female.
This Raicilla has a fruity palate of unsweetened lemon and lime juice. As the fruitiness fades, minerality and deep spice emerge from the depths of spirit.
This is very good value for money. A Piedmont red under $30! It has good dark fruit, some nice tannins and acid to balance although it would benefit from some more age to smooth it a bit but I liked its feistiness now.
I was happily surprised by the quality of the labels in the "mystery" case of rose wines - great value for the money I must say. Excellent drinking experience from the unfamiliar labels and happy to enjoy again the familiar ones.