Albariño shot to prominence in the late 1980s as the clean, crisp white wine revolution took Spain by storm, replacing the old oxidised styles. At its best in the Rias Baixas region of Galicia in north-west Spain, it is generously flavoured with lemon curd, a slightly peachy note and a deliciously fresh dry finish. It's the perfect white wine with fish and shellfish, and definitely ‘dinner party’ quality. You’ll also find it as Alvarinho in neighbouring Portugal where it is the mainstay grape in the famous Vinho Verde and it's also now popping more frequently in New Zealand vineyards, particularly in Marlborough.
This is very good value for money. A Piedmont red under $30! It has good dark fruit, some nice tannins and acid to balance although it would benefit from some more age to smooth it a bit but I liked its feistiness now.
I was happily surprised by the quality of the labels in the "mystery" case of rose wines - great value for the money I must say. Excellent drinking experience from the unfamiliar labels and happy to enjoy again the familiar ones.