Bombay Sapphire Murcian Lemon Premier Cru Gin 700ml
Was $91.99, Now $75.40
A small-batch handcrafted gin from Bombay Sapphire, Murcian Lemon celebrates Murcia's famous citrus and is made with sustainably-sourced Murcian Fino lemons, mandarins and sweet navel oranges, hand-picked and hand-peeled from the late harvest. The aromatic character and opulent citrus notes imparted by these botanicals make this gin stand out in cocktails such as Martinis or a French 75.
I enjoyed the wine in so far as it is well rounded - the taste of black fruit evident - not sure about the liquorice though. All in all for the price a pleasant easy drinking wine.
Super ripe very smooth dry red, with just a hint of Cherries in that Italian style and You are able to drink this wine with or without food, Very good value at $20.
We've been fans of their Syrah and Chardonnay for some time and this is another go-to product we'll add to the list.
Light in colour, but plenty of depth and flavour and pleasingly dry.
Highly recommended.